New Catalogues!!

New igloo items:
terracotta tile - 680 coins
maple hardwood - 620 coins
green carpet - 530 coins
burgundy carpet - 530 coins
if you want to remove your carpet/floor, there's a floor removal service!! It only cost 20 coins!
New furniture items:
arm chair - 560 coins
Mexican vase - 320 coins
Mexican rug - 550 coins
There are also some secret items!!
Secret Deluxe Stone Igloo: click on the window on the log cabin

and you get a secret deluxe stone igloo!

Big Screen TV: click on the fish carving on the grandfather clock

PS: keep looking for secrets!!
Until then....
WADDLE ON!! *insert big smiling simily here*
New Pin!!

Also, as you may have noticed, the lodge attic is filled with fresh white snow from the snowstorm. Go there and check it out today!
According to the Penguin Times, there's going to be a winter fiesta party from January 19th (Friday) to January 22nd (Monday). I don't know much about it yet, but keep watching for more info.
Until then...
New Catalogue!!

Turtleneck sweater-440 coins
Earflap Cap-180 coins
Matador outfit-520 coins
Festive sombrero-350 coins
Fruit headdress-350 coins
Flamenco dress-640 coins
Ice fishing background-60 coins
Disco background-60 coins
Mexican background-60 coins
Also, an old item--magenta scarf--is brought back! It's a hidden item. Click the blue jersey to get it:

Guide to Thin Ice--Level 1~13
Sorry for not posting, but I'm back! Here is a guide to melt all the ice in the new game called "Thin Ice." It's quite hard in the higher levels. If you are playing this game for coins, close the game when you get to a level that you don't know how to melt all the ice.
level 1: the easiest one. If you don't know how to pass this one, you are too stupid to play the game.
level 2: still super easy, just melt it all the way to the end.
level 3. starting to get a little harder... Just go through all the squares 1 by 1...
level 4. The path is getting twisty! Don't worry, just be aware of squares
level 5: in order to go through a plain, just do lots of S's
level 6: full of twist and turns, but it's all about going through an area, so just make S's
level 7: the new white block is introduced! You need to go through it twice in order to melt it.
level 8: just make opportunities for going through white blocks twice. It's pretty easy.
level 9: when going through a corridor with white blocks on the side, do S's and somehow go back the same corridor of ice.
level 10: be creative! Don't stuck in 1 method, try out different ones! Eventually you will find the solution! Also, be sure to get the key before going to the end!
level 11: Getting harder... If you observe carefully, you will notice that you can actually do an "S" right on 2 white blocks! This will get rid of them and not affecting any other blocks or the direction you are going!
level 12: There are lots of different ways to go through a passage, just try every possible way and eventually you will get the answer!
level 13: push the movable block to the box marked with a "x" !
If you have better solutions, please email me, I will post it, and give you credit.