
Secret Mission Answers

If you are a secret agent, you probably discovered that there's a new challenging secret mission!!! It is to find Aunt Arctic's missing purple puffle and green puffles.

If you haven't find out the answer, here it is:

1. Go to the ice rink, and pick up the photographs of the green puffle. They are on the right side of the rink.

2. Give the photographs to Aunt Arctic.

3. Go to the pet shop, and read the note on a pet house(it is in secret code and different everytime). It will tell you how many socks the shop keeper of the sports shop has.

4. Go to the sports shop, and ask the shop keeper for secret items. He will ask you how many socks he has. You already know that. He will show you secret items after.

5. Take the tube launcher and go to the ice berg.

6. Use the tube launcher to rescue the stranded penguins(by shooting rescue tubes). You will get a clue to the missing puffles by then.

7. Go to the mountain top and you will see a sad penguin with his broken telescope.

8. Open your spy phone and click the LED flashing light to reveal several tools. Use the wrench to fix the telescope.

9. He will let you look around in the telescope by then. Look around in the telescope and you will see a green puffle flying around the tallest mountain. (you must see it in order to complete the mission)

10. Go to the sports shop and take the climbing rope.

11. Go to the highest mountain and stick the rope to the summit.

12. You will find those puffles on the tallest mountain (should look like the diagram above) and get rewards.

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